
Announcement Submission

Marriages reported in the Weddings pages in the Sunday Styles section and online at We report on legal ceremonies taking place during the previous six days. Events on Sunday are reported on the day of the ceremony. Read more about instructions to submit here.
Is this your first legal marriage to each other?*
Legal Date of Marriage*
Please share with us information about the venue at which you two will be joined. Include its full official name.
Venue Name *
Please include Street Number, Street Name, City, State/Province, Postal Code and Country
Additional Ceremonies
Legally Recognized Officiant
List the person who will legally solemnize your civil marriage license. Exact officiant name can be provided later if necessary (for example, in the case of getting married at a city hall)
Religious affiliation, online ordination, or otherwise.
Feel free to mention additional ceremonies or receptions of note
Officiant’s Email
Primary Phone Number*
Secondary Phone Number
Please include Street Number, Street Name, City, State/Province, Postal Code and Country
Additional Celebrants
Feel free to mention additional officiants. Please include name, affiliation and phone number