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Thomas Friedman highlights RBF grantee, EcoPeace Middle East, as a model of "healthy interdependency," which he argues is the only way to enduring peace and security in the region. EcoPeace Middle East is led by Gidon Bromberg, an Israeli environmental lawyer, Nader al-Khateeb, a Palestinian water expert, and Munqeth Mehyar, a Jordanian architect.

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has begun a two-step process to divest from investments in fossil fuels. The Fund's immediate focus will be on limiting its exposure to coal and tar sands, two of the most intensive sources of carbon emissions, with the goal to reduce its investments to less than one percent of the total portfolio by the end of 2014.

In working with countries in the Middle East to combat terrorist threats, the United States must not take sides in the Shi'a and Sunni conflict, The Iran Project recommends in a report published on September 17, 2014. The report, Iran and Its Neighbors: Regional Implications for U.S. Policy of a Nuclear Agreement, also examines how Iran's relations with other countries in the region might shift after a comprehensive nuclear agreement is reached.


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