What We Do


Investing in reform efforts across the United States that improve educational opportunities and outcomes for all students, especially students in low-income communities.

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Jewish Community and Israel


Jewish Community and Israel

Helping to build inclusive Jewish communities, strengthen the State of Israel and repair the world.

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Local Initiatives


Local Initiatives

Enhancing the quality of life in our hometowns of Tulsa, OK, and Jerusalem, Israel.

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Recent News and Updates

A Story in Support of DACA

As the future of DACA hangs in the balance, we are proud of our many partners and others who are working to support and protect the DACA community. We also remain committed to our efforts to help ensure that young people of all backgrounds have access to the opportunities they need to succeed, including a safe, secure upbringing and high-quality education.

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How to Help After Hurricane Harvey

As Hurricane Harvey continues to ravage parts of Texas and surrounding areas, many of us are eager to help the thousands of people who have been displaced and a region that has been devastated. When natural disasters strike, it can be hard to know where to start and the full scale of impact is often not known until the crisis has passed. Many incredible organizations are doing important work on the ground to provide immediate support to those affected by a still-ongoing situation. Here we share ideas and tips for getting involved.

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