Xfire Machinima Competition

This from our friend Frederic Descamps over at Xfire:

"Xfire is pleased to announce that we are teaming up with Blizzard to bring you the World of Warcraft Summer Movie Contest. With over $23,000 in prizes from AMD, XFX, Sennheiser, and Zboard on the line, we are looking forward to seeing some great WoW machinima. Contestants are invited to submit films to four categories: Drama/Action, Short Film, Comedy, or Music Video/Dance. 1st through 5th place in each category will receive prizes, as will 10 honorable mention films. Before getting started on your movie, visit the official site for more information about the contest and the prizes.


For all the Xfire WoW fans, in addition to the Summer Movie Contest, we have also released an official Burning Crusade Xfire skin. Head to http://www.xfire.com/cms/xf_wow_skin_bc to download the skin and chat in style with your friends while playing WoW or while starting your movie for the contest."