Welcome to the new website!

Welcome to the new website of the How They Got Game project!

Since its inception in 2000 as one of the founding projects of the new Stanford Humanities Lab, How They Got Game has been focused on the history of interactive simulations and digital games.  We are still going strong, with new projects such as "Preserving Virtual Worlds" funded by the U.S. Library of Congress, our partnership with HPS Simulations, and the Machinima Archive. 

During the last year, we have been convinced that it was time for a redesign of the project's website that would incorporate new technologies for managing and exposing web-based content created by the project.  We decided to make use of the increasingly popular Drupal engine, an open-source content management platform.  After making the case for using Drupal, the heavy lifting was carried out by Dena Debry and Henrik Bennetsen, the lab's research director.  And here is the new site, Q.E. D.

While you are here, have a look at a bit of our own history: the first project site, designed entirely in Flash by the amazing Casey Alt.