Play-Machinima-Law Agenda

FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2009

9:00 AM  Introduction/Welcoming Remarks
Henry Lowood, Curator for History of Science & Technology Collections, Stanford University Libraries
Lauren Gelman, Executive Director, Center for Internet and Society, Stanford Law School

9:30AM – 12:00 PM  Machinima 101: Making Movies in Game Worlds
Moderated by Henry Lowood
In this panel, a group of machinima artists will tell us how and why they make movies in virtual and game worlds. As artists who create new content using game technology, characters, and settings, are they able to freely express their artistic vision? What are the advantages of making movies in this fashion; what are the constraints and limitations? In this panel, we will explore whether the laws of the game work for making machinima?
Speakers: Joseph DeLappe, J. Joshua Diltz, Douglas Gayeton, Clint Hackleman

12:00 -1:15 PM  Lunch and Machinima Screening

1:15-2:45 PM  The Rules of Play: The Role of the EULA and other issues in Machinima Creation and Distribution
Moderated by Lauren Gelman
There are many important legal issues that machinima creators face such as requirements in EULAs about accessing to game and other content, technological protection measures that may prevent access to content, use of machinima in contests and other distribution concerns, and third party content concerns. This panel will focus on these issues.
Speakers: Sean F. Kane, Mark Methenitis, Chris Ridder, Jennifer Urban

2:45-3:15 PM  Break and Machinima Screening

3:15 - 4:45 PM  The Rules of Play: Copyright and Fair Use in Machinima
Moderated by Julie Ahrens
Machinima creators work with existing content (much of it copyrighted) from both in-game and out-of-game sources, like music, photographs, and video to create original, expressive works. These new works may comment on the underlying material, society in general, or may just be for fun. Copyright law has features that permit the use of copyrighted works without permission, under certain conditions. Fair use is the most important of these features. How does fair use apply in the machinima context? What are some guidelines machinima creators can use to decide when they are within the bounds of fair use and can used copyrighted content without a license? This panel will focus on these issues.
Speakers: JoAnn Covington, Roxanne Christ, Fred von Lohmann, Matthew Skelton, Shane McGee

5:00 - 5:30 PM Reception


10:00AM- 12:00PM  Machinima in Game Preservation: A Fair Use Activity?
Moderated by Matteo Bittanti
In this panel, we consider the use of video capture and machinima-like techniques for purposes other than artistic creation. We will take a look at curatorial, historical, and archival projects that seek to preserve the history of game culture and creativity through these and other related techniques. Does the different context provided by the non-commercial or scholarly intentions of these projects change the legal environment for them? Might DMCA or licensing restrictions unintentionally create an obstacle for preservation and archiving activities?
Speakers: Mimi Calter, Kari Kraus, Jerome McDonough, Michael Nitsche, Bernadette Daly Swanson

12:00 PM  Conference Closing Remarks