

Wagner James Au:
27 April 2009 New World Notes
28 April 2009 NewTeeVee
28 April 2009 New World Notes
28 April 2009
AJ Glasser:
24 April 2009 Kotaku
David Kushner:
27 April 2009 IEEE Spectrum Online

American Public Media: Future Tense
24 April 2009 Machinima lowers barrier of entry to filmmaking, but raises legal questions


Matteo Bittanti:
13 March 2009 Play-Machinima-Law at Stanford April 24 and 25
12 April 2009 Play-Machinima-Law Conference Spot
27 April 2009 Play-Machinima-Law The Aftermath

J. Joshua Diltz:
Sleeping Dogs Productions
Clint Hackleman:
April 8 2009 Play-Machinima-Law at Stanford
April 25 2009 Play-Machinima-Law Day 1
April 26 2009 Play-Machinima-Law Day 2
April 28 2009 What Makes an Expert of Machinima
April 30 2009 Blizzard Machinima Law Part 1 Does Blizzard Hate You? What is Commercialization?
May 1 2009 Blizzard Machinima Law Part 2 Machinima Fair Use Guide
May 4 2009 Blizzard Machinima Law Part 3 Legal Ways to Use Great Music
May 21 2009 Blizzard Machinima Law Part 4 Using Private Servers

Jerome McDonough:
12 April 2009 Preserving Virtual Worlds: Play-Machinima-Law Conference

Shane McGee:
Internet, Communications and Data Protection Events

Mark Methenitis:
12 April 2009 Speaking at Play-Machinima-Law
23 April 2009 Reminder, Speaking at Play-Machinima-Law

Michael Nitsche:
3 April 2009 Free Pixel: Play-Machinima-Law

Bernadette Daly Swanson:
22 April 2009 Will You Play Machinima Law?
26 April 2009 Camping allowed, browsing encouraged

Fred von Lohman:
15 April 2009 Electronic Frontier Foundation: Stanford Play-Machinima-Law Conference

24/25 April 2009 Matteo Bittanti
24 April 2009    Brandon Dennis
25 April 2009    D. Yvette Wohn

8 May 2009 Is Machinima Fair Use
14 May 2009 Lawyers Discuss Whether Machinima is Fair Use
1 June 2009 Clear Admit Law Blog
25 April 2009 Forums

Original Conference Website