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Office of Global Women's Issues

Date: 10/01/2009 Description: Global Women's Issues banner. AP images show women holding flowers, sitting at sewing machines; and walking. © State Dept and AP Images

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The Office of Global Women's Issues, led by Ambassador-at-Large Melanne Verveer, works for the political, economic, and social empowerment of women.

Date: 10/02/2009 Description: Dipnote Global Womens' Issues blog © State Dept and AP Images
View the Dipnote slideshow.


|Partnering With the Democratic Republic of the Congo Against Gender-Based Violence

|Secretary Clinton will launch a fund for international women’s empowerment in Fall 2009. The money raised will go to combat violence against women and girls, promote girls’ education, and create economic opportunities for women. The fund will meet the critical needs of women and girls around the world, and will make a difference in their lives. To receive notification when the fund is officially launched and find out how you can help, please click here.

Recent Events

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on -Full Text - Interview on the Oprah Winfrey Show 

Ambassador Verveer's testimony on international violence against women. -Full Text


Secretary Clinton chaired a United Nations Security Council Session to adopt a strong resolution to end sexual violence against women and children in conflict-related situations. -Remarks -Remarks After the Meeting -Fact Sheet

 Secretary Clinton's remarks after touring a refugee camp in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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