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Ben Affleck Batman First Look!

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Ben Affleck Batman First Look!
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Brace yourselves DC fans, the moment you've been waiting for is finally here! You know what they say friends, when it rains it pours and director Zack Snyder has just opened the floodgates. Snyder took to Twitter yesterday to tease a picture of the new Batmobile with the promise of a full reveal today. Well, today has come and we've definitely gotten more than promised. Not only are we getting a better look at the new Batmobile, but we're also getting our first look at Ben Affleck in his new Batsuit! Okay, bear with me while I try to catch my breath. Though it might be black & white and a little grainy, Snyder tweeted that he took the pic himself with his Leica M Monochrome camera. Kevin Smith previously stated that the Batsuit is one that we've never seen cinematically before, and that is definitely an understatement. First off, Affleck looks massive. We don't know what they've been feeding him, but he's looking more Bane than Batman. Not that that's a bad thing, but definitely not how we're used to seeing Batman. We're already hearing many complaints that the ears on his cowl are too small and at first impression, we thought the same thing, but it could be the angle of the shot. We're holding off on a final decision until we see a better angle. Another big difference from previous incarnations is the size of the Bat symbol on his chest. It appears much larger and more defined than we've seen before, possibly a decision to keep more in line with Henry Cavill's Superman costume. As for the Batmobile, we're not getting a full look, but it looks similar to the one set to appear in the upcoming Arkham Knight video game. It's just a tease at this point, but we're definitely intrigued. Production on Batman/Superman is set to begin in a few days and we're eagerly waiting to see what other reveals Snyder has in store for us. Perhaps a look at the new Wonder Woman costume? Fingers crossed. Batman/Superman is set to hit theaters on May 6th, 2016, but still does not have an official title. We asked some celebs to come up with one and to check out what they came up with, go ahead and click right here. So what do you think of our first look at Ben Affleck as Batman? We're sure you have lots to say about it, so head to the comments to share your thoughts and be sure to hit that Subscribe button for the latest Batman/Superman news as it breaks. Until next time, I'm Erin Robinson same Bat-time, same Bat-Channel!

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