Frequently Asked Questions


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General questions and answers about Stanford's International Travel Assistance Program.

International SOS

International SOS provides medical assistance, medical evacuations, and travel assistance as well as assistance for security, political or natural disasters.

The International SOS Security Division will assist you in the event of threatening situations such as civil and/or political unrest, insurrections, revolution or similar situations by providing information, guidance and resources in the event personal safety and security can no longer be assured.

Contact one of International SOS Alarm centers and a security specialist will assist you.

International SOS will render all assistance possible to obtain clearances and arrange the transportation for the return of mortal remains.

After approval from your organization, International SOS will guarantee and pay all costs associated with your medical care. You will be expected to assist and cooperate in recovering any expenses which may be covered by group medical insurance plans or individual insurance. International SOS will also medically monitor and evaluate your condition and ongoing medical expenses during your hospitalization.

When your condition is stabilized and International SOS has determined that it is medically advisable to bring you home or to a facility near your permanent residence, International SOS will arrange for the repatriation under medical supervision.

If you are hospitalized in an area where adequate medical facilities are not available, International SOS will evacuate you to a medical facility capable of providing the required care. A physician supervises evacuations, and when necessary, a medical specialist or nurse will accompany you during the evacuation. An air ambulance will be used when required.

Call the nearest International SOS Alarm Center. International SOS will immediately take steps to evaluate the care you are receiving and determine what actions must be taken to ensure your safe and speedy recovery.

If you require a prescription that a local physician cannot obtain, or you need to replace lost, stolen or depleted medication, International SOS will, when permissible by local law, send the needed medication to you.

Call the nearest International SOS Alarm Center. 

The International SOS alarm centers are listed on the back of your card. Call the International SOS Alarm Center that is nearest to you for a referral to a doctor who speaks your language.

No, your membership is already active. Simply carry the card in your wallet at all times while traveling. Whenever you need service, contact one of the emergency phone numbers listed on the back of the card. You do not need to report specific trip dates to International SOS each time you travel. However, we recommend you enter your travel itinerary flights and hotels in the Personal Travel Locator so that you can be located in the event of an emergency.

In addition to calling the Alarm Center for any pre-trip questions you may have, you can access Country Guide and Security Online reports from this website:

Use the membership number located on your membership card as your member login.

In order to utilize any of the medical, travel, or security services listed under Program Benefits, contact any International SOS Alarm Center from anywhere in the world by calling directly, calling collect or calling the toll-free number.

Call toll-free from the U.S. or Canada: 800-407-7307

Call collect from anywhere in the world: 603-898-9159

To ensure a prompt response when calling, you should be prepared to provide the following:

  • Your name, location, age, sex and nationality
  • Your organization's name
  • Your International SOS membership number located on your International SOS membership card
  • The telephone number from which you are calling (in case you are disconnected)
  • Your relationship to the employee (if the person calling is not the employee)
  • Name, location and telephone number of the hospital, clinic or treating doctor (when applicable)

No, International SOS must be contacted in advance to arrange and approve the emergency evacuation. The service is not available for self activation or self organization or by claim for subsequent reimbursement by International SOS. Should a member arrange their own evacuation, International SOS will not cover the cost.

Carry the International SOS membership card with you at all times. It includes the telephone numbers of the three major worldwide International SOS Alarm Centers. In the event of an emergency, call one of the emergency phone numbers listed on the card.

International SOS provides travelers with worldwide quality health care and emergency assistance services 24 hours a day.

International SOS provides you with peace of mind. A phone call connects you to the International SOS network of multilingual specialists for immediate help in an emergency. International SOS services are designed to help you with medical, personal, travel, security and legal problems when away from home. Call International SOS at any time to speak with a physician or security specialist about simple or critical matters.

On Call International

On Call International provides medical assistance, medical evacuations, and travel assistance to students and families who are enrolled in Cardinal Care.


MedEx provides emergency transportation services, medical assistance services, pre-trip assistance services, and travel assistance services to Stanford's postdoctoral scholars.