
News and story suggestions

We welcome your story suggestions for the Stanford News website. Please refer to these guidelines. Then, complete our suggest a story form.


The Stanford News Service will consider letters to the editor relating to campus and academic issues. Publication generally will be limited to correspondence from staff, faculty and students. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Anonymous letters will not be printed; nor will letters specifically addressed to other publications or individuals. Letters should be no more than 200 words.

You may email your letter or deliver a typewritten copy to the address at the right. Please include your name, phone number and affiliation.


The Stanford Event Calendar is a comprehensive listing of campus activities. For information on how to submit events, refer to their policy and procedures.

Ph.D. Oral Announcements

Ph.D. orals are also included in the Stanford Event Calendar. You may email your information or deliver a typewritten copy to the address listed at the right.

Classified Ads

We accept ads in the following categories: housing available, housing needed, housing to share, housing exchange, vacation rental, real estate for sale, automobile for sale, employment, other services. Ads received by 5 p.m. Wednesday will appear online the following Monday.

Payment for ads, BY U.S. CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY, should be made payable to Stanford University ($25 per ad). NO REFUNDS ARE GIVEN. Mail payment to classifieds editor Cynthia Lindsey, Stanford News Service, 425 Santa Teresa St., Stanford, CA94305-2245.