ARCHIVED Bulletin: NEW and Improved Expenditure Type Query Available Now (posted March 29, 2008)

The Expenditure Type Query has been improved!

  • USE the Expenditure Type Query to find the right expenditure type for budgeting; initiating purchases, reimbursements and transfers; or to research descriptions to confirm appropriateness of charges.
  • SEARCH for a word (or partial word) in the expenditure type Description, or search for expenditure type Name or Number by entering all or part of the name or number.
  • VIEW results displayed in a new and improved format. Query results include the expenditure Type and the Object to which the expenditure type rolls up, the Natural Account type (i.e. Asset, Liability, Revenue, or Expense), Usage Rules, and the Description.

How to Access the Expenditure Type Query

There are several ways to access the Expenditure Type Query.

  • From Oracle Financials,
    • Launch Oracle and look for the "SU Inquiry Tools" folder / link in the Navigator section of the Home page.
  • From the Gateway to Financial Activities web site (a.k.a. FinGate),
    • Click the Resources & Job Aids tab from the main page of almost every staff financial activity to locate the link to the Expenditure Type Query (e.g. Account Structure: Chart of Accounts, Banking & Commerce, Buying & Paying, Funds Management, Reimbursements, and many others).

Additionally, the Expenditure Type Definitions & Rules Excel spreadsheet is still available for download. The spreadsheet contains the complete list of all expenditure types. From the spreadsheet, users can access the full description, as well as additional information on Salary, Vacation, and Fringe expenditure types and a Discussion tab that provides overall information. To access the spreadsheet, visit the Resources & Job Aids page of the Account Structure: Chart of Accounts financial activity in FinGate.

IMPORTANT NOTE – The URL address for the Expenditure Type Query has changed with the new release. If you "bookmarked" the old address as a "favorite", you will receive a redirect page containing the new address.

Other Useful SU Inquiry Tools

Several other web based inquiry tools are available to access Oracle Financials information. Included in the SU Inquiry Tool set is the Fund Title Query, Requisition and Purchase Orders Query, Signature Authority Query, and Vacation Query. These query tools are available from the Oracle Financials home page and are referenced in relevant financial activities on the FinGate web site. For more information, see the SU Inquiry Tools section of Overview: Oracle Financials Reporting.

Note – These query tools CAN be used concurrently while using other Oracle Financial applications. Since these inquiry tools are not updating the system, you can have them open in one window while you are making entries in another window (such as iOU or Internet Procurement).


Questions? Need Help?

  • For questions, please submit a HelpSU ticket. Select Request Category Administrative Applications and Request Type Oracle Financials.
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