ARCHIVED Bulletin: New Invoice Processing Instructions (Posted May 8, 2009)

Accounts Payable (AP) has implemented improvements to the way invoices are processed. AP now has two dedicated fax lines - a "Standard" processing fax line and a "Rush" processing fax line. By separating "Standard" and "Rush" invoice processing requests, overall service levels are expected to improve.

Standard Invoice Process Requests

  • Processing time 7-10 business days
  • Payment will be released per the terms of the purchase order or invoice (e.g., NET 10, NET 30, etc.)
  • No fees apply
  • Fax to 650-725-1399 (Current AP fax number)

Rush Invoice Process Requests

  • Processing time 1-2 business days
  • Payment will be released when processed
  • $35 fee
  • Fax to 650-723-5221 (New AP fax number)
  • Note – All invoices submitted to 650-723-5221 will be treated as "Rush" and the $35 fee will apply, regardless of whether or not "Rush" is written on the invoice.


Most invoices should come directly to AP from the supplier. The fax instructions above apply to those occasional instances when suppliers send invoices directly to the ordering department. Remember to use the Invoice Fax Cover Sheet when you submit invoices to Accounts Payable. For more information, see Instructions for Submitting Invoices to Accounts Payable for Payment.

For questions, please contact the Financial Support Center (3-2772).

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