Overview: Claiming Unidentified Receipts

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Identifying and Claiming Unidentified Receipts

Unidentified receipts are a common problem in the payments world and an issue that is shared by our peer universities. When electronic payments are made to the University, unidentified receipts can occur when the Office of the Treasurer is unable to identify the correct receiving account through automated and manual review processes.

While the Office of the Treasurer continues to identify incoming funds using automated and manual processes, the Unidentified Receipts system is meant to supplement existing processes, allowing the distributed financial community a way to view outstanding items and a timely way to claim receipts from a secure web portal.

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Approval Process

When a receipt is claimed for an award, an email will be sent to the award owner for review and approval. If the claim is approved, an automated transaction will be generated in Oracle and the receipt will be viewable in ReportMart3 reports the next business day. If the claim is rejected, the status of the receipt in the Unidentified Receipts database will change from "In Process" to available for "Claim."

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How Approvers Are Identified

The revenue journal and fund transfer approval hierarchy in Authority Manager will be used to identify an approver. Oracle Workflow starts looking for an approver for the specific Fund/Award (Level 1 below) and then continues to subsequent levels as needed until it finds an authorized approver.

Level 1 – The specific Fund (corresponding to the Award)
Level 2 – All Awards owned by a Principal Owner
Level 3 – The Award Owning Organization
Level 4 – The Parent Org of the Award Owning Organization

For more information, see Oracle Authorized Approver Hierarchy.

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