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Stanford University Emergency Medical Support and Evacuation Coverage

As part of its support for the ever-growing international activities of Stanford University, the University has contracted for travel assistance, emergency medical support and evacuation coverage for its community members through two insurance providers: Worldwide Assistance and International SOS. In addition to emergency services, both providers offer information services that may prove to be helpful in pre-trip preparations. Members should note, however, that these policies DO NOT provide health insurance coverage. Members should inquire with their health insurance providers about the level of coverage they have for international travel. Additional information may also be obtained from the Benefits web site.

Please review the matrix below to learn more about the travel assistance coverage available.

Available Travel Assistance Coverage

Service Worldwide Assistance International SOS
Coverage Faculty and staff only, traveling on official University business Services are covered for all members of the Stanford community, traveling on official University business EXCEPT for medical evacuation and repatriation of remains
Medical evacuation and repatriation Covered for faculty and staff (Prepaid coverage) Coverage available to Stanford groups (students, faculty, staff) for an additional fee
Repatriation of remains Covered for faculty and staff (Prepaid coverage) Coverage available to Stanford groups (students, faculty, staff) for an additional fee
Political evacuation Covered by request from Risk Management on a fee for service basis Covered by request from Risk Management on a fee for service basis
Pre-departure consultation, medical referrals Covered for faculty and staff Covered for all members of the Stanford community
Medical referral on location Covered for faculty and staff Covered for all members of the Stanford community
Lost document assistance Covered for faculty and staff Covered for all members of the Stanford community
Emergency cash advance Covered for faculty and staff Covered for all members of the Stanford community, fee for service
Emergency interpreters Covered for faculty and staff Covered for all members of the Stanford community
Emergency medication provision Covered for faculty and staff Covered for all members of the Stanford community, fee for service
Online country guides for health Available Available
Online country guides for security Available Available
Email alerts Not available Available
Online emergency record Not available Available
Itinerary tracker Not available Available
Online access to resources

Note:  Stanford students enrolled in Cardinal Care have emergency medical assistance, evacuation and repatriation coverage through On Call International and MedEx Travel Assist helps Stanford's postdoctoral scholars. Students with a personal health insurance policy should check with their policy provider for medical evacuation and repatriation coverage.