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2.1.14 Senior Staff

2.1.4 Hiring Employees from Stanford Health Care or its Predecessor Companies

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This policy sets out the applicability of University employment policies and eligibility for University benefits in situations where an SHC employee becomes a University employee.

2.4.6 Indemnification

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This policy covers indemnification of employees.

2.2.12 Out-of-State Employees

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This Guide Memo presents policy for hiring and/or reassigning out-of-state employees. 

2.2.9 Employee Training

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Stanford University is obligated to provide necessary training to employees of the University, and retains the right to identify certain training as required. Where identified as required, training will be considered a job responsibility, as it is integral to the quality of work performed by the employee and contributes to the overall effectiveness of organizational operations.

2.1.1 Staff Personnel Policies

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This policy describes general information on the development of, administration of, and decisions about personnel policies at Stanford University.

2.1.6 Vacations

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This Guide Memo describes University policy and procedures on accrual and use of vacation leave.


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