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3.1.4 Cost Policy

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This Guide Memo outlines general policies on expense reimbursement by the federal government and discusses the importance of assigning the correct Project, Task and Award (PTA) and Expenditure Type to expenses and credits. For more detailed information, see Proper Coding of Allowable and Unallowable University Expenditures on the Gateway to Financial Activities website.  

3.2.2 Cost Transfers

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This Guide Memo sets out policies and procedures for transferring already incurred costs from one expenditure account (Project-Task-Award) to another. Cost transfers may also be called transfers of expense.

3.1.1 Responsibility for University Financial Assets

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This Guide Memo outlines the roles and responsibilities of various University officers and organizations in managing the University's financial assets.

2.2.3 University Payroll

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This Guide Memo contains general policies concerning the University payroll. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) currently applies the applicable policies contained herein. SLAC departments should consult SLAC Business Services Division for SLAC procedures.

3.3.1 Infrastructure Charges

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The Board of Trustees of Stanford University approved a revised infrastructure policy in October 2004. The revised policy, effective September 1, 2005, increases the infrastructure charge (ISC) from 6% to 8% for both new and existing funds. For designated funds, the infrastructure charge will be applied at the time funds are received from all external revenue sources. For restricted funds (expendable gift funds, endowment income funds and sponsored project funds that carry an F&A rate of 0%), the infrastructure charge will be applied at the time funds are expended or transferred.

Gifts for building projects are exempt from the infrastructure charge. The infrastructure charge collected from funds owned by non formula schools will be credited75% to a central University PFOO (project/fund/object code/org code) (controlled by the budget office) and 25% to a central PFOO owned by the budget unit involved in the transaction. The infrastructure charge collected from funds owned by formula schools and auxiliaries will be credited directly to a central PFOO belonging to the formula school or auxiliary.

Any exceptions to the policy require approval of both the Provost and the CFO and are to occur rarely, if at all.

3.2.3 Allocations and Offsets

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This Guide Memo sets out policies and procedures for expense allocations and salary distribution offsets, which are a form of cost transfer.

5.3.6 Payments to Nonemployees

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This Guide Memo describes or references procedures for authorizing payment for services to the University by individuals who are not University employees. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) currently applies the applicable policies contained herein. SLAC departments should consult the SLAC Office of the Chief Financial Officer website for SLAC procedures which differ from those set forth below. For information about faculty honoraria, please see Chapter 5 of the Faculty Handbook.

2.1.20 Relocation of Faculty and Staff

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This Guide Memo sets forth policies and procedures to facilitate the moving and reassignment of new or current Stanford faculty and staff, where such action is considered to be in the best interests of the University. The policy is designed to give maximum flexibility to schools, departments and other organizational units while assuring compliance with federal and state regulations. The provisions of this policy apply only when an offer of employment is made. Allowances during the recruitment process are at the discretion of the vice president or vice provost for the area making the hiring decision (see Guide Memo 5.4.2: Travel Expenses, section 13).

3.1.5 Retention of Financial Records

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This Guide Memo covers time requirements for retaining financial records and security requirements for disposing of old records.

3.3.2 Expendable Funds Investment and Payout

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The policy became effective September 1, 2009 (FY 2010).


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