From simulation to auralization to virtual auditory displays

Fri, 07/24/2015 - 11:00am - 12:30pm
CCRMA Seminar Room
Event Type: 
Hearing Seminar

From simulation to auralization to virtual auditory displays
Michael Vorländer


Auralization techniques are used in engineering, architecture, sound design and in applications in hearing research. The components of this technique are acoustic simulation and signal processing tools and the data interfaces in between, which is all well established. Nevertheless, characterization of sound sources and interfaces to spatial audio technology are subject to research. Whether the virtual environment is considered sufficiently accurate or not, depends on many perceptual factors, and on the pre-conditioning and the degree of immersion of the user in the virtual environment. In this presentation the processing steps for creation of Virtual Acoustic Environments are briefly presented, and the achievable degree of realism discussed in examples of room acoustics, archeological acoustics, and transportation noise control. Finally, approaches to utilize auralization techniques and virtual auditory displays for listening tests are discussed, including pros and cons of reproduction methods and binaural aspects of normal hearing and for hearing aids.


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