A Guide to Common Areas

From its beginnings in the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratories of the 1960s, CCRMA has tried to maintain an open and friendly environment. Nearly all of the resources are shared among researchers, faculty, and students in cooperation with each other. The number of people interested in working at CCRMA has grown faster than the facilities, and so it is especially important that all CCRMA-lites respect one another, and help to maintain an environment in which all of us can be productive and creative. This guide is an attempt to outline some of the policies and procedures - "rules to live by" - that will help us to maintain this cooperative environment.

Of course it is impossible to legislate "good citizenship" or a complete code of conduct because no list of rules can cover all possible cases. Really, when in doubt, follow these three simple ideas:

(1) Don't do anything that you wouldn't want someone else to do to you

(2) NEVER change ANY wiring in ANY studio for any reason (see a staff member for this) and

(3) ALWAYS make sure you lock doors and windows if you are the last to leave the building.