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Victoria Saramago Padua


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Space and Narrative
literary theory
novel theory
Luso-Brazilian Literature
Latin American Novel

Victoria Saramago Padua

Ph.D. Candidate in Iberian and Latin American Cultures

Victoria Saramago Padua is a third-year doctoral candidate in the Department of Iberian and Latin American Cultures. She is especially interested in 20th Century Latin American fiction, novel theory and relations between space and narrative.


ILAC 161 Modern Latin American Literature

From independence to the present. Topics include romantic allegories of thennation; modernism and postmodernism; avant-garde poetry; regionalism versus cosmopolitanism; indigenous and indigenist literature; magical realism and the literature of the boom; Afro-Hispanic literature; and testimonial narrative. Authors may include: Bolívar, Bello, Gómez de Avellaneda, Isaacs, Sarmiento, Machado de Assis, Darío, Martí­, Agustini, Vallejo, Huidobro, Borges, Cortázar, Neruda, Guillon, Rulfo, Ramos, Garcí­a Marquez, Lispector, and Bolaño. Taught in Spanish.