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File Storage

The File Storage service uses the CIFS (Common Internet File System) or NFS (Network File System) protocols to provide access to centralized shared files. Access is provided through the Stanford Network, which can be extended out of the Stanford Campus via the use of the Stanford VPN service.

The File Storage service enables collaboration and is a good way to have secure and sharable file storage for groups and departments.

The File Storage service may also be used for safe and secure long-term storage of large, rarely accessed data sets.

Features and benefits

  • Security:Provides authenticated access to named file shares.
  • Access: The data is accessible from multiple client operating system platforms.
  • Data Integrity: Supports the typical set of file operations: open, close, read, write, and seek.
  • Physical Security: The data is stored on Storage platforms located in the secure enterprise data center facility.
  • Reliability: The data is stored in redundant hardware.
  • Recoverability: Point-in-time snapshots are taken of the data several times a day.

Getting started

Your Department Contact can order File Storage via OrderIT. File Storage is available to faculty and staff by subscription and is charged monthly to your department’s University IT billing statement.

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Last modified October 13, 2014