L.A.W.S. Season 2, Episodes 3, 4 and 5…

We’ve taken our 14-school show on the road again this year. We were in DC and New York in late June – Episodes 1 and 2 – and we’re heading to Chicago and Los Angeles next week for Episodes 3 and 4. We’ll be in the Windy City on Tuesday, July 14 and then we’ll all head on over to the City of Angeles for the July 16 event. We wrap up the season with Episode 5 in Atlanta in September. After that, we hunker down and start working on bringing in the Class of 2019. Yes, 2019.

Last year was a huge success – great attendance, great conversation on the panels, great conversations with candidates at individual tables after the panel. If the DC and New York events are any indication of how Season 2 will end up, we’re in really good shape for another lively summer. Just so you know, there were no cliffhangers in Season 1. We didn’t leave anyone hanging with any mysterious insights or unanswered questions – at least I hope we didn’t. So, rest assured that no former law school representative will reappear this season in a shower scene after a dream revelation. It’s dawned on me that most of you will have no idea of what I’m talking about so take a look at this and you’ll understand the reference.

Go to our L.A.W.S page to get more details and to register. Come and hang out with us for a bit– we’re actually a pretty fun group of people to be around. Usually. See you in Chicago. Or LA. Or Atlanta.

(As a teaser, I have a L.A.W.S. attendee from each of the cities we visited last year enrolled here at SLS. Just saying…)

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