I love flip-flops. I never leave home without at least one pair in my suitcase. I’ve got them scattered all over the house. Blue ones, green ones, red ones, brown ones, ones made of leather, ones made of rubber, ones with Hawaiian-inspired designs, ones with Japanese-inspired designs, ones with contoured foam footbeds, ones made of durable 100% EVA, ones that are on the dressy side (is that possible?) and even one with frilly bows (no $$ was spent on this one – it was a gift). As you can see, flip-flops are high on my list of faves.

I know what you’re asking yourself right now. “Is she really doing a blog about flip-flops?” Hah! You should know me better than that by now. What I really want to draw attention to is the other definition for a flip-flop – not the noun usage of a backless, loose sandal, but the verb usage of a sudden change or reversal. So, let’s make a move and transition from the realm of footwear into the realm of wait list behavior. Do not flip-flop. Do not be the one who flip-flops. If you’ve decided to remain on the wait list, think carefully about what you will do when I come calling with an offer to join the class. I will never ask you to decide immediately and on the spot. I am fully aware that by making the call to you I am throwing a fair amount of chaos into your life. Plans need to be reconfigured on short notice. Can you make the move in time? Can you really walk away from that lease you just signed? Can you realistically switch gears at this point in the game? The responsible and organized wait list candidate has thought through all the ramifications of making the move and has worked through his or her own “if this happens” scenarios. As the summer progresses, you’ll not have the luxury of planning a visit to the campus next weekend if I make that call to you today. That homework was due yesterday. You need to be proactive and think ahead. If you can’t afford to stay on the wait list to the bitter end, then it’s great to have a plan in which you decide that if a call doesn’t come by August 1, for example, then you’re committing whole hog to the other school. If you can afford to wait it out, more power to you and you will have a special place in my heart. In either case, YOU have a plan. And, that’s the smart thing to do. Do not be the candidate who accepts the offer only to email or call me a few days later saying you just made a B-I-G M-I-S-T-A-K-E. Sure, it’s frustrating for me on the receiving end, but imagine what it does to you to shift gears yet again. That back-and-forth movement is making ME dizzy. All I’m saying is that this doesn’t have to happen if you think things through carefully and thoroughly. Consider where and how you want to spend the next three years. Listen to your gut telling you where you will thrive. If it feels right to you and if you strategize ahead of time and come up with your own personal methodology (if this, then that; if not this, then…), you’ll not be one who flip-flops.

Flip-flops sometimes make a flapping sound as you walk. The only flapping I want to hear should be coming from the flip-flops on your feet.



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