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New Collections Added to Stanford Digital Repository in October 2013

Certification of Arms and Genealogical Treatise

In October, approximately 44,500, files representing nearly 850 items were accessioned into the Stanford Digital Repository (SDR). These materials include -- but are not limited to -- items from the Walters Art Museum, R. Stuart Hummel Collection and the Jarndyce Collection.

R. Stuart Hummel Collection

The R. Stuart Hummel Collection contains correspondence, diaries, photographs, and ephemera, documenting the Stuart and Hummel families' life and work in China as Methodist missionaries in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It also contains materials relating to R. Stuart Hummel's work as a cryptographer for the Navy during World War II, as well as his work for the U.S. government in the Office of Chinese Affairs and the Office of Civil Defense.
Added to SDR: 9 objects, consisting of 200 images
Collection Contact:Glynn Edwards

Walters Art Museum

The Walters Art Museum's holdings of 850 medieval illuminated manuscripts and 150 single leaves, ranging in date from the ninth to the 19th century, are one of the most significant medieval collections in North America. Stanford University Libraries collaboration with the Walters to preserve the digitized images of these manuscripts, and serve them interoperably for use by scholars, represents an ongoing commitment to improve the library's manuscript holdings in support of Stanford faculty and students. The Walters has digitized approximately one third of their holdings to date. The seventeen manuscripts ingested this month represent a selection that coverseverythingfrom a beautiful 11th-century German Lectionary to an 18th-century German prayer book, with a variety of psalters, gospel books, and non-liturgical books as well.
Added to SDR: 17 objects, consisting of roughly 5,000 images

Gaihozu Maps

Over three hundred additional "Gaihozu Maps" depicting Japan and territories outside of Japan (referred to as "Gaihozu") were added to SDR . Created between the Meiji era and the end of WWII, this collection is part of a world-wide effort to preserve this historically and scientifically important set of materials. More information about this collection is available in The Stanford University Libraries Newsletter. Branner Library holds around 10,000 of these maps. This is a continuation of the digitization efforts for this collection. For more information, please see thearticle on the Gaihozu maps in ReMix: The Stanford University Libraries Newsletter.
Added to SDR: 346 maps
Collection Contact: Jane Ingalls and G. Salim Mohammed

Jarndyce Single-Volume Nineteenth-Century Novel Collection

The nineteenth-century novel is one of the key areas of research and teaching for the English Department at Stanford, with many faculty and graduate students concentrating on this genre and time period.The Study for the Center of the Novel, which generates much dynamic discussion and scholarship on the form, came about due to the intense engagement with this seminal form at Stanford. The single-volume novel, of the type represented in this collection from Jarndyce, was a precursor to the form of the twentieth-century novel and novella.
Added to SDR: 12 novels, consisting of roughly 14,500 pages
Collection Contact: Glen Worthey

Maps - Stanford General Collections

These are maps that are from Stanford's general map collections held at the Branner Earth Sciences Library, which includes approximately 300,000 sheets. The DLSS Map Digitization Lab regularly scans maps from the general collection to facilitate research and scholarly access.
Added to SDR: 53 maps
Collection Contact:Jane Ingalls and G. Salim Mohammed

State Legislative Rules

Any analysis of a law making body, be it Congress, a state legislature, or city council, requires one to have access to the body’s rules of procedure. The rules are the guide to how laws are created (or not). Researching legislative intent, knowing why a bill did or did not pass, is a very standard research question. The goal of this project is twofold; support research at Stanford University and make core legislative materials from Stanford's collection accessible online. These rules were scanned from the State Legislative Journals, Manuals, and Handbooks thus making it easier to conduct text mining and other research on this particular legislative publication type.
Added to SDR: 27 objects consisting of roughly 10,000 images
Collection Contact: Kris Kasianovitz

Inclusion in the Stanford Digital Repository ensures that these materials are available to researchers and scholars (while upholding appropriate access restrictions), now and in the future through a secure, sustainable stewardship environment. While many of these objects are already discoverable via SearchWorks others will get SearchWorks records in the coming months. All materials are currently available via the item’s PURL (a persistent URL which ensure that these materials are available from a single URL over the long-term, regardless of changes in file location or application technology).

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