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SDR Deposit of the Week: It could be yours...

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Calling all SUL staff! Have you recently published an article or presented a conference paper or poster that you'd like to archive and share? Perhaps you have some research or a project report relevant to our field that needs a permanent home? Don't forget that as vital members of the Stanford community, the Stanford Digital Repository is available to you, too. In fact, we set up the Stanford University Libraries Staff Publications and Research Collection specifically for this purpose. 

The collection currently contains five items, the most recent of which was submitted by Michael Angeletti, Moving Image Digitization Specialist in Digital Library Systems and Services. Michael posted his presentation made at the annual meeting of the American Institute for Conservation describing the Treat-funded project he led to refurbish a vintage video reel player. An operational machine that can safely and reliably play back 50-year-old EIAJ-1 video is highly unusual and proving to be highly valuable: SUL is saving thousands of dollars in outsourcing costs now that we are capable of in-house preservation of unique and at-risk recordings in the Buckminster Fuller collection and other noteworthy archives.

With the presentation -- plus a link to Michael's excellent video documenting the working machine -- available via an SDR PURL, he is able to easily disseminate what he learned to other cultural heritage and research institutions grappling with the mounting problem of media format and playback equipment obsolescence. 

Other SUL staff who have deposited to the staff collection include Phil Schreur, James Jacobs, Linda Yamamoto, and (now retired) Richard Anderson. If you would like to join them, please write sdr-contact [at] lists [dot] stanford [dot] edu to request deposit access.