Publishing workshops

Author Workshop with Springer

Presented by: Mitch Moulton, Account Development Specialist, Springer

Collaborating with a publisher starts before your manuscript is submitted. Geared toward early career authors this workshop will explore a visual outline of the editorial and production process supporting the publication of your article or book, and discuss the benefits of electronic publishing's global reach. The core of this workshop will highlight the online tools and services freely available throughout the publishing process including:

  • How to develop wider relations by locating other experts in your field
  • Helping you find the right journal or editorial contact
  • Learning modules to help you:
    • Write, submit, and publish your manuscript
    • Become a peer reviewer
    • Learn about open access

Workshop documents

The Editorial Process – An Editor’s Perspective

Presented by: Rebecca Cooney, North American Editor, The Lancet

This workshop will guide attendees through the academic publishing process from manuscript preparation to responding to reviewer comments. Best practices for each element of a research paper will be highlighted.  Emphasis will be given to:

  • How to craft a noticeable cover letter and powerful title and abstract.
  • Tips for identifying and submitting a paper to the best journal.
  • Impact factors, pros and cons.
  • The editorial process.
  • Getting a paper noticed by social media sites and search engines.

How to Write a Quality Technical Paper and Where to Publish within IEEE

Presented by George Plosker, Client Serivces Manager, IEEE

Learn more about how to publish papers in IEEE periodicals and conferences, as well as how to select an appropriate IEEE periodical or conference for your content.  This overview of how to become an IEEE author and best practices for searching IEEE Xplore, will cover:

  • Tips on how to select an appropriate IEEE periodical or conference, organize your manuscript, and work through peer review
  • Learn how successful IEEE authors structure quality work to improve their chances of being accepted
  • Understand how to avoid common mistakes and ethical lapses that will prevent your manuscript from being accepted
  • Tips on how the IEEE Xplore Digital Library can help when writing technical papers, including how to stay up-to-date on the latest research using saved search alerts

Workshop documents

Publishing your research for maximum reach and impact - what you need to know about Open Access publishing

Presented by: Peter Binfield, Founder and Publisher, PeerJ

Open Access to academic articles is rapidly becoming the norm, not the exception. In this presentation, Dr Peter Binfield (Publisher of the Open Access journal PeerJ and previously the Publisher of PLOS ONE) will explain the current landscape of Open Access publishing and what that means for you as an early career researcher.
Topics covered in the workshop:

  •  What is open access and why is this the best way to publish your work?
  • How does open access differ from subscription (‘closed access’ publication)?
  • What charges might be involved?
  • How do you avoid so called ‘predatory publishers’?
  • And how can you best maximize your impact and reach?

Stanford already has a prepayment arrangement with PeerJ and so Peter will also explain how that works and how you can take advantage of it. There will be an opportunity for open Q&A so come with any questions you might have about open access!

Workshop documents
