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Staff Groups

Staff affinity groups at Stanford help you meet new people and provide opportunities for professional, social and personal support. Please contact the groups directly for more information.

Speakers at ASF's Diwali- Festival of Lights Celebration 2014     BSA Bay Bridge Tour     ASF speaker Professor Gordon Chang at API Heritage Month Lunch

The American Indian Staff Forum (AISF)

AISF is a fellowship of American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians who work at, or are affiliated with, Stanford University, Stanford Medical Center and the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. The goal of AISF is to promote social, cultural and educational opportunities for our members, and to provide opportunities for the non-Native community at Stanford to learn more about our rich heritage and diverse cultures. Forum membership is automatically extended to all Native American employees at Stanford.
Jamie Willmes, Chair, (650) 723-9567
Denni Woodward, Vice-Chair, (650) 725-6946

Asian Staff Forum (ASF)

ASF is an informal group of Asian/Pacific/Indian Sub-Continent employees of Stanford University, the Hospital, and SLAC. Formed in 1986, ASF seeks to be a vehicle for representing, supporting and promoting the interests of these employees. This is accomplished by sponsoring and funding activities which support the mission of the organization; presenting the concerns of the membership to relevant parties and encouraging appropriate action; developing a supportive network of Asian Americans in the Stanford community; and by participating in the development of a multicultural community at Stanford.
Cindy Cho, Chair, (650) 723-2125
ASF Facebook

The Black Staff Alliance (BSA)

BSA serves as a source of support for all Black employees at Stanford. The BSA seeks to address the individual and collective concerns of Black staff on campus.  We strive to promote a culture that stresses upward mobility and advancement in the workplace by creating an environment that enables networking, collaboration, and mentorship, promoting a tradition of lifelong learning as part of professional development.  The BSA, formerly the African-American Staff Group, encourages cooperative and interactive relationships with all members of the Stanford community.
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Kevin Hutcherson, Chair, (650) 723-6072

Disability Staff Forum (DSF)

DSF's mission is to help improve and facilitate communication between Stanford community members with and without disabilities. Educational and social events are planned throughout the year.
Cathy Haas, Advisor, TTY: (650) 723-4926

Filipino American Community at Stanford (FACS)

FACS is a civic, cultural, educational and nonprofit organization aimed at bringing together the Filipino-Americans in the Stanford Community to promote the Filipino culture and community-building awareness and to support the University in realizing its mission. FACS works closely with the Diversity and Access Office, the Pilipino American Student Union (PASU), Bechtel International Center, Asian American Activities Center, and other Staff Forums.
Siegrid Munda, Co-Chair, (650) 724-6539
Elena Serrano, Co-Chair, (650) 721-1101

La Raza Staff Association (LRSA)

LRSA was formed in 1981 to improve the status and presence of Chicano / Latino Staff at all levels of the University community. The Association continues to work toward the development of an environment conducive to the welfare of Chicano / Latino staff, students and faculty. LRSA holds monthly meetings throughout the year where speakers are invited for informal discussion on various topics of interest such as cultural issues and professional development. The Association also co-sponsors various events and activities with other staff groups, El Centro Chicano and The Guiding Concilio.
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Victor Madrigal, Chair, (650) 725-4220
LRSA Facebook

Queer University Employees at Stanford (QUEST)

QUEST is a network of Stanford LGBT staff and faculty who work to foster and support a diverse LGBT campus community by addressing social issues, as well as, assisting the University with individual, group, and political concerns of the LGBT staff and faculty. Through programming, QUEST works to support Stanford in its effort to become a model institution on LGBT issues, provide opportunities to connect to Stanford, and to each other, and to network and have fun. Membership is open to all LGBT Stanford faculty and 
staff as well as their friends, partners, and allies. QUEST is closely allied with two other campus LGBT organizations: the LGBT CRC (students) and Stanford Pride (LGBTQQl alumni/ae).
Marlys LeSene, Co-Chair, (650) 723-9749
Darsi L. Rueda, Co-Chair, (650) 799-1533

Stanford Staffers

Stanford Staffers has existed since 1951, and is a partnership of staff members with the purpose of providing career support, sharing resources, broadening networks, working together on community service endeavors, developing a diverse workplace, and enjoying co-workers socially through special events, brown bag lectures, and other special activities.
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Marjorie Powell, Co-Chair,
Karen Saltzman, Co-Chair,