
Why do we like (to read about) vampires?

Think 21 class in progress.
Class Project

For the Gabriella Safran's Thinking Matters course “Why do we like (to read about) vampires? Folklore, (mostly) Russian Literature, Film,” students presented collaborative group performances for their final projects. The course itself explores theories and examples of folklore, and the relationship between folklore and other forms of cultural production, including literature, film, music, and ballet. Students put this knowledge to creative use in their collaborations: some groups adapted personal folklore, while others reflected on themes and theories of the course.

Here we aren’t so quickly

Photo of Rain Sun reciting poem
Raina Sun, '13

The Spoken Word Collective is dedicated to cultivating exquisite emotion in explosive written and spoken poetry. We are a group of poets that performs at campus events, community programs, and ACUI's National Poetry Slam. We also hold quarterly shows, bring artists to campus, and hold writing workshops, all open to the public.

Here we aren't so quickly (after Jonathan Safran Foer)

by Raina Sun

I'm at this funny point in life

where it's getting harder and harder

to see into my future.  

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