For Faculty

Faculty & Departments: Certify Courses for Ways

Certify Courses

  • The Autumn quarter deadline for submitting "new" courses for the 2015-16 academic year was May 4, 2015. Courses submitted by the deadline will be reviewed prior to June 30, 2015.  Courses submitted after May 4, 2015, will be reviewed when the Board reconvenes in September and will unlikely be certified prior to the Autumn quarter opening of enrollment. The deadline for submitting Winter 2015-16 courses is October 5, 2015.  Since a recertification program does not exist for Ways at this time, courses currently certified for Ways do not need to be resubmitted. 


  • The Ways Syllabus Guidelines will help you identify the most appropriate Way for a course and the syllabi components that are sought in a Ways certified course.



  • An email notification will be send to the instructor after your submission has been reviewed.  You may also check Explore Courses or in the “View/Edit” mode to view the results of the course review.


  • Please refer to our FAQs for answers to questions frequently asked regarding course certifications.


Faculty Guidance

  • For detailed information about the mission of the Ways Program, essential elements, the rationale, and learning outcomes for each Way, please review the Ways Guidance.

See Also