
Utopia, Inc.

Group Project

“It's the year 2113, and there is no fear. There is no pain. Thanks to an innovation made decades before, knowledge became instantly attainable, feelings became immediately suppressible, and society could focus on pure, unadulterated progress. Until one day, a malfunction occurs, and the fate of this society hangs in the balance...”

Click below to watch the video by Alex Barron, Ariel Bobbett, Jay Moon, and Sri Muppidi.

Review of Beethoven Concert No. 3

Members of the Stanford Symphony orchestra standing.
Arun Kulshreshtha, '15

In early 2013, Stanford Symphony Orchestra embarked on “The Beethoven Project,” performing all 9 of Beethoven’s symphonies, all 5 piano concertos, and several other major orchestral works, ultimately concluding with a grand performance tour of Europe. I am not a member of the orchestra, but as an avid listener of classical music and Beethoven enthusiast, I wanted to partake in this great musical endeavor.

[Belief]: An Anthology of Spiritual and Religious Writing at Stanford University

Image of female touching forehead to clasped hands
Heidi Thorsen, '12

[Belief] features the work of Stanford students who use creative self-expression to map their relationship to matters of faith.  The contributions range from personal statements of faith to creative experiments that probe the inherent uncertainty of belief.  

The anthology includes contributions by Johnathan Bowes, Ashley Micks, Michelle Jia, Austin Elizabeth Williams, and Taylor Winfield. Photograph by Rasheedat Zakare-Fagbamila.

Books and Tales

Books and Tales image by Sabrina Bedford.
Sabrina Bedford, '13

Books and Tales is a collection of illustrations based on Bedford’s own work of fiction: Faustine. This series of 15 illustrations is done in acrylic and oil paint. The novel is a companion to something she has already written: Aelfric’s Music Box. Faustine is about a young girl who has grown up several decades in the future. Problems with climate change and class warfare leave her to take care of herself in her family’s house. She must learn to adjust without technology, her parents, or instruction.

Why do we like (to read about) vampires?

Think 21 class in progress.
Class Project

For the Gabriella Safran's Thinking Matters course “Why do we like (to read about) vampires? Folklore, (mostly) Russian Literature, Film,” students presented collaborative group performances for their final projects. The course itself explores theories and examples of folklore, and the relationship between folklore and other forms of cultural production, including literature, film, music, and ballet. Students put this knowledge to creative use in their collaborations: some groups adapted personal folklore, while others reflected on themes and theories of the course.

Here we aren’t so quickly

Photo of Rain Sun reciting poem
Raina Sun, '13

The Spoken Word Collective is dedicated to cultivating exquisite emotion in explosive written and spoken poetry. We are a group of poets that performs at campus events, community programs, and ACUI's National Poetry Slam. We also hold quarterly shows, bring artists to campus, and hold writing workshops, all open to the public.

Here we aren't so quickly (after Jonathan Safran Foer)

by Raina Sun

I'm at this funny point in life

where it's getting harder and harder

to see into my future.  

Year On

Photo of Brandon Hill on student trip.
Brandon Hill, '16

Imagine sipping Chai tea on a rickety train ride through the rolling hills of India; bartering with merchants in the underground markets of Shanghai; channeling spirits in the Slave Castles of eastern Ghana; marching for social justice in the heat of the deep Georgian south; networking with civil rights legends in the hallowed halls of the U.S. Congress.

Welcome to Brandon Hill’s Year On, a gap year adventure of epic proportions.

Writers Record Stories for Radio

2012 Arts Intensive students in Shimon Tanaka's Fiction Writing class record their stories for radio at Stanford University.
Class Project

Like all of the students who took Arts Intensive courses, the twelve writers in Shimon Tanaka’s 2012 Fiction Writing class only had two weeks to devote to the writing of their stories.  Most of these writers studied fiction writing for the first time, and they threw themselves into their projects with energy and abandon: reading and writing from the first day and embarking on field trips in San Francisco to discover its literary communities and local inspiration.  Students had the opportunity to interact with their writing on another level by recording their stor


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