
Rules of Love

What are three rules that you would have for yourself in love? Screenshot from THINK project,
Avani Singh, '18

Over the course of the class, we studied various perspectives on the 'rules of love'. For my final presentation, I decided to make a short video. In this, I asked 17-21 year olds from 10 different countries: "What are three rules that you would have for yourself in love?" When I looked closely at these videos, the results were interesting. Answers varied across genders and cultures. There were differences and similarities.

The Science of MythBusters: Piezo Poppers

Three students work together on a project
Class Project

In a hands-on experimental component of The Science of MythBusters, students work in teams to build and launch custom-modified alcohol-powered film canisters, called piezo poppers. Applying their skills in experimental design and statistical analysis, the students modify their launcher, canister, and fuel to maximize the launch distance of their canisters, culminating in a class-wide contest at the end of the quarter.

The Science of MythBusters, Thinking Matters 101

Converted peanut butter jar, from The Science of MythBusters class, THINK: 1.
Class Project

As part of THINK1: The Science of MythBusters, students built small piezoelectric devices (“piezo poppers”) in which a small spark ignites an alcohol-based fuel inside a film canister, launching the film canister into the air. After building a custom-modified launcher, students used their piezo poppers to see how variables like launch angle and fuel type affected the distance the canister traveled, applying statistical tools learned in class. Students then worked in teams to modify relevant variables and optimize their launch distances.

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