Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment


Big Animals are Going the Way of the Mammoth »

May 24, 2015

Rodolfo Dirzo (Biology), a co-author of the study, states that humans will feel social and health conseque

By Kerry Klein, San Jose Mercury News

We Are on the Verge of a Sixth Mass Extinction »

September 8, 2014

Discusses research led by Senior Fellow Rodolfo Dirzo

By Joanna Rothkopf, Salon

Back From the Dead: Why De-Extinction May Save Humanity »

July 25, 2014

Describes research by Woods Senior Fellow Rodolfo Dirzo on how "the well-being of natural ecosystems including the animals, actually represents the well-being of humans as well"

By John Roach, NBC News

Researchers Warn of Earth's Sixth Mass Extinction Event »

July 25, 2014

Quotes Woods Senior Fellow Rodolfo Dirzo, a Stanford biology professor, on risks linked to the loss and decline of animal species

Canada Journal

Scientists Warn of Earth's Sixth Mass Extinction Event »

July 25, 2014

Quotes Woods Senior Fellow Rodolfo Dirzo on the "vicious cycle" of large animal decline caused by humans' impacts on ecosystems

The Economic Times (India)

Study: Earth in the Midst of Sixth Mass Extinction »

July 24, 2014

Quotes Woods Senior Fellow Rodolfo Dirzo on how animals play an important role in ecosystems that are now being threatened

By Doyle Rice, USA Today

Where Have all the Animals Gone? »

July 24, 2014

Feature story on extinction study by Senior Fellow Rodolfo Dirzo

By Joel Achenbach, Washington Post

Defaunation: Loss of Animals, Threatening Rainforests and Public Health »

April 9, 2014

Video and blog describe Senior Fellows Rodolfo Dirzo's findings that poaching of large mammals is leading to a disruption of carnivore and herbivore populations

By Andrew Dudley, The Huffington Post

Population Growth Increases Climate Fear »

September 2, 2013

Mentions environmental consensus statement drafted by scientists including Stanford Woods Institute Senior Fellows Gretchen Daily, Rodolfo Dirzo, Paul Ehrlich, Elizabeth Hadly, Harold Mooney, Rosam

By Carolyn Lochhead, San Francisco Chronicle

A Call For Ecological Action »

June 10, 2013

Senior Fellow Rodolfo Dirzo discusses consensus statement on humanity's imperiled life-support systems

By Rodolfo Dirzo, Daily Californian