Create beautiful Kim forms

Collect and organize information big & small with Google Forms. For free.

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Get answers fast

Plan your next camping trip, manage event registrations, whip up a quick poll, collect email addresses for a newsletter, create a pop quiz, and much more.

Survey with style

Use your own photo or logo, and Forms will pick just the right colors to complete your own unique form, or choose from a set of curated themes to set the tone.

Q&A, your way

Choose from a bunch of question options, from multiple choice to dropdowns to a linear scale. Add images and YouTube videos, or get fancy with page branching and question skip logic.

Create or respond on the go

Forms is responsive, so that means it’s easy (and beautiful) to make, edit, and respond to forms on screens big and small.

Organized & analyzed

Responses to your surveys are neatly and automatically collected in Forms, with real time response info and charts. Or, take your data further by viewing it all in Sheets.



You have to check out

When do you think you can have the edits done?
Tue, 1:06 PM
Kim Avatar
Maybe by two?
Tue, 1:06 PM
Tom Avatar

Get started now

Ready to build your first survey? It’s free and easy with Google Forms.

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