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Personalised Genetic Medicine A Step Closer To Reality

Publication Date: 
April 30, 2010
Richard Alleyne

Professor Hank Greely, an expert on law and the biosciences, is quoted on the complexities of mapping the human genome for personalized medicine. Richard Alleyne of the Telegraph reports:

Professor Stephen Quake, at Stanford University, spent £33,000 having his genetic make up mapped and then analysed for different diseases and sensitivity to medication.

The results, which revealed risks of heart disease, diabetes and prostate cancer, could pave the way to similar tests for the general public within the next decade, especially as the cost of genetic mapping is expected to plummet.


Professor Henry Greely, from Stanford Law School in California, said patients, doctors and geneticists are about to be hit by a "tsunami" of genetic data.

"The experience with Steve Quake's genome shows we need to start thinking – hard and soon – about how we can deal with that information," he added.