How To

Request an F&A (indirect) cost waiver on a proposal.

Steps to Obtain Approval

The Dean of Research will consider requests for F&A cost waivers in very limited circumstances. The PI should initiate the request for approval first to her department chair and school dean's office. If approval is obtained, she should send it to the Dean of Research for approval.

For projects administered within the School of Medicine, the request must be sent to the Dean of the School of Medicine through the Research Management Group once it is approved by the PI’s department chair.

For procedures specific to your school view PI Eligibility and Exceptions in the Research and Scholarship section of this website.

Private Foundations

Private foundations’ policies typically do not allow IDC at the full federal rate. If the foundation does not allow any IDC, or does not allow IDC at the full federal rate, its policy may be on Stanford’s indirect cost waiver list, which permits you to submit your budget to OSR with IDC at the rate allowed by the foundation. 

If the private foundation is not on Stanford’s Facilities and Administrative (Indirect) Cost Waiver List for Sponsored Projects, inquire with the foundation about their IDC policy.  A foundation’s official written policy or statement in the RFP) regarding IDC is normally acceptable to Stanford, and should be submitted along with your proposal and other materials to OSR or RMG. If the foundation’s policy is not published, contact DoR, OSR or RMG for assistance.A waiver of indirect costs does not waive Stanford’s infrastructure charge.

If the private foundation to which you are applying does not allow IDC, you will need to find internal funds to cover Stanford’s IDC charge.   If the foundation pays any percentage of IDC, you do not need to cover the infrastructure charge. 

If an F&A costs waiver is approved, the PI is still responsible Stanford’s infrastructure charge. 


For more information, please contact:

School of Medicine

Filed under Proposals