Green Living Council

Our Mission and Approach:

How can we build a campus culture where sustainability is integrated into every aspect of daily life, where recycling and energy efficiency are second-nature, and where living a green lifestyle is a central aspect of what it means to be a part of the Stanford community? The Green Living Council aims to do just that, by engaging students across campus and convincing them that switching to more sustainabile habits doesn’t have to involve huge sacrifices or drastic life changes. And we believe that the best way to really reach the full spectrum of the student body is by building a network of Green Living Coordinators, all working to promote sustainable behaviors among their peers in their dorms and houses.

While education and awareness are undoubtedly very important, the GLC aims to go beyond information campaigns to start actually achieving large-scale behavior change. To do so, we employ strategies from emerging fields such as community-based social marketing, which focus on developing shared norms and values that encourage sustainable practices among all community members. This approach involves actively listening to fellow residents, identifying barriers to sustainable behavior, and finding innovative ideas for overcoming those barriers. We believe that the combination of in-person, peer-to-peer advocacy and close engagement with student residential communities can provide an effective means for bringing about a culture of sustainability at Stanford and go a long way toward reducing the ecological footprint of the campus.

To see our approach in action, visit our projects and initiatives page.


Green Living Coordinators

The Green Living Council is entirely student-run, and at the heart of the group are the student representatives who have been selected to work as Green Living Coordinators in their residences on campus. These environmental leaders work to educate their housemates on environmental issues and promote sustainable behaviors in everyday student life at Stanford. Their role includes a wide range of responsibilities, from organizing residential programming and activities to bringing sustainability-related concerns of their residents to the attention of the Council.

View a list of current Green Living Coordinators by name and residence, or learn more about how to join the GLC.

The GLC Leadership Team

An organization like the GLC could not run without the dedicated support of the student Leadership Team, which works to oversee all of the group’s activities, recruit Green Living Coordinators, form partnerships with administrators and other student groups, and much more. To learn more about the GLC leaders, view their profiles here.


We could not do the work we do without support from many other groups and departments on campus. By collaborating on sustainability initiatives, we can have a truly meaningful impact on campus life.

The Department of Sustainability and Energy Management
Student Housing
Stanford Dining
Students for a Sustainable Stanford
Residential Education
Associated Students of Stanford University
If you’d be interested in partnering with us on campus sustainability initiatives, we’d be happy to work with you. Please email us at