Science and Environmental Education

SEED is a Stanford student organization dedicated to sharing our enthusiasm about natural science with the youth of East Palo Alto through hands-on lessons. We hope to help the children open their eyes to the world in which they live.

By teaching children about the natural world and the laws which govern it, we hope that they will grow up to be more
environmentally-conscious adults. We encourage SEED volunteers to use fun, interactive classroom activities to get the students excited about their surroundings.
SEED puts a strong emphasis upon environmental science to educate, rather than instill fear in the students. Therefore, instead
of emphasizing the crisis of possible environmental catastrophes, studying the environment is made fun by allowing students to discover the wonders of the natural world.

Volunteer opportunities:

Weekly Volunteer:
As a weekly volunteer, you will work in groups of 3 to 5 Stanford students and adopt a class at East Palo Alto’s Costa?o Elementary Schools for a quarter. You will visit your classroom weekly to present an hour-long lesson. Lessons usually have a lecture component, as well as an interactive one, including hands-on experiments, art projects, or games. Groups may also organize field trips as a part of their curriculum – in the past, SEED classes have gone to the foothills, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and Santa Cruz Bay for an educational sailboat cruise.
Volunteers are responsible for meeting with their groups weekly and planning that week’s lesson. The SEED library and staff members are also available to help develop lessons.

Other opportunities:
If you cannot teach classes regularly, you may also volunteer as a special guest to independently develop a lesson on a topic of interest to you, or as a chaperon on field trips. We’d love to have you involved!