Important Deadlines

Entrance Health Requirement Deadlines for New Students

It is important that you complete your entrance health requirements by the applicable deadline:

  • Incoming Freshmen - June 30.
  • New graduate students, medical students and undergraduate transfer students - July 31.

Click here for the required forms.

Cardinal Care Waiver Deadline for Students Entering the Unviersity in Autumn Quarter

You must ACKNOWLEDGE enrollment OR REQUEST A WAIVER from enrollment in Cardinal Care no later than September 15th each year. 

Petition for Early Cancellation of Cardinal Care Health Insurance (for students who graduate at the end of Autumn or Winter quarter)

If you plan to graduate at the end of Autumn quarter, and wish to cancel your Cardinal Care coverage, you may petition to do so (see link to form below).  All Autumn graduate petitions must be received by Vaden's Insurance and Referral Office no later then December 15th. Coverage cancellation is effective as of January 1st. If you do not petiition by December 15th, you will remain enrolled in Cardinal Care through August 31st.  

If you plan to graduate at the end of Winter quarter, and wish to cancel your Cardinal Care coverage, you may petition to do so (see link to form below). All Winter graduate petitions must be received by Vaden's Insurance and Referral Office no later than April 15th. Coverage cancellation is efffective as of May 1st. If you do not petition by April 15th, you will remain enrolled in Cardinal Care through August 31st. 

Students who graduate at the end of Spring quarter are not eligible for cancellation of the annual plan. 

Note: retroactive cancellation of coverage is not an option. 

Petition for Early Cancellation of Cardinal Care Health Insurance