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Ali Yurukoglu

Ali   Yurukoglu
Assistant Professor, Economics
Assistant Professor of Economics
Academic Area: 

Research Statement

Ali Yurukoglu’s research is in the area of industrial organization. He applies statistics to game theoretic models to study regulatory policy and imperfect competition. His research focuses on the media and telecommunications industries. He has recently studied a la carte pricing regulations in cable television, and negotiations and mergers between cable channels and cable distributors.


Ali Yurukoglu is an Assistant Professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where he teaches Data and Decisions in the first year of the MBA program. His research is in the area of industrial organization. Recently, he has used the tools of game theory and statistics to study pricing regulation in the cable and satellite television industry, and the effect of mergers between firms at different points on the supply chain. He received a BA in economics and mathematics from Northwestern University, and a PhD in economics from New York University’s Stern School of Business.

Courses Taught

Degree Courses


This course presents a comprehensive treatment of econometric methods used in economics, finance, marketing, and other management disciplines. Among the topics covered are: the classical linear regression analysis, linear simultaneous equations...

Data and Decisions - Accelerated is a first-year MBA course in probability, statistics, multiple regression analysis, and decision trees for students with strong quantitative backgrounds. Probability provides the foundation for modeling...

Insights by Stanford Business

October 30, 2014
Stanford researchers prove spending more time consuming Fox News or MSNBC can impact your voting decisions.