Read all posts tagged Innovation Fellows

  • Presidential Innovation Fellows Round 3: Serve. Create. Innovate.

    Applications are now being accepted for the third round of the Presidential Innovation Fellows program. This initiative pairs talented, diverse individuals from outside government with top Federal innovators to implement game-changing projects that make the Federal Government work better for the American people.

  • Open Data Round Up

    Responding to the President's May 9, 2013, Executive Order on Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information, more than a dozen agencies have launched webpages at, making it easier for the public to find, understand, and use government data.

  • Expanded “Green Button” Will Reach Federal Agencies and More American Energy Consumers

    Today, President Obama issued a memorandum directing Federal agencies to redouble efforts to use renewable energy and manage their energy usage more efficiently and effectively. In addition to setting an ambitious new target for Federal agencies to increase their consumption of renewable energy to 20% of their total use by 2020, the memorandum instructs agencies to incorporate the “Green Button” data standard into their energy management practices.

  • Open Data Building a Stronger Economy

    Every day young startups and large companies are using open government data to build new products and services that address real challenges for Americans. Fueled by open data, these enterprises are hiring people in cities and towns across the country. Open data are also helping the Federal Government to be more efficient, effective, data-driven, and transparent. We’ve seen the power of open government data in action—and it pays off.

  • RFP-EZ 2.0: Expanding Opportunities for Small Businesses

    Building on the early successes of the RFP-EZ project, the U.S. Small Business Administration recently announced that the new and improved RFP-EZ Marketplace is ready for business and another round of Federal procurement innovation is underway.

  • A Smarter, More Innovative Government for the American People

    This morning, the President held a meeting with his Cabinet and senior officials to lay out his vision for building a better, smarter, faster government over the course of his second term. During the meeting, the President directed Cabinet members and key officials in his Administration to build on the progress made over the first term, and he challenged us to innovate government even further.

  • New Round of Innovators Joins US Government to Tackle Big Challenges

    A new group of Presidential Innovation Fellows will work hand-in-hand with top government innovators to develop solutions that can save lives, save taxpayer money, and help fuel private-sector job creation.

  • Open Data Going Global

    The Open Data Charter outlines principles that member countries—the US, UK, France, Canada, Germany, Russia, Italy, and Japan–will act on, including an expectation that all government data will be published openly by default, and that signatories will work to increase the quality, quantity, and re-use of released data. The G8 Open Data charter builds upon recent historic steps the US has taken domestically.

  • Introducing: Project Open Data

    Technology evolves rapidly, and it can be challenging for policy and its implementation to evolve at the same pace. Last week, President Obama launched a new Open Data Policy and Executive Order aimed at ensuring that data released by the government will be as accessible and useful as possible. To make sure this tech-focused policy can keep up with the speed of innovation, we created Project Open Data.

  • RFP-EZ Delivers Savings for Taxpayers, New Opportunities for Small Business

    America’s small information technology firms are some of the most innovative in the world. And thanks to an exciting new pilot project called RFP-EZ, it is getting easier for them to address some of the Federal Government’s most pressing IT needs. And the results we are seeing from this program highlight what is possible when you unleash the power of American entrepreneurs.