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5.3.4 Books, Periodicals and Membership Dues

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This Guide Memo describes policies on making purchases from the Stanford Bookstore or directly from publishers.

5.1.1 Procurement Policies

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This Guide Memo serves as an introduction to Chapter 5. It covers general policies for the purchase of major and minor construction, equipment, supplies and services by Stanford. The policies in this chapter do not apply to the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC).

5.4.2 Travel Expenses

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This Guide Memo outlines policy on travel undertaken for University business.

5.4.4 Petty Cash Funds

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This Guide Memo outlines policy on establishing and managing a petty cash fund.

5.4.1 Expense Advances

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This Guide Memo outlines policy on advancing funds for University activities.

5.4.3 Reimbursement of Expenses

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This Guide Memo outlines policy on reimbursing individuals for expenses incurred on the University's behalf.

3.2.1 Authorizing Expenditures

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This Guide Memo describes responsibilities for the management of funds in University Projects, Tasks and Awards (PTAs).

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