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About Cardinal at Work

The Cardinal at Work website is your new resource for supporting your work, growing your career and enriching your life at Stanford.

Female staff member at desk on computer

A single online destination

The Cardinal at Work website is currently in beta, providing limited employee information as a sneak preview of what’s to come.

In the future when we finish development, the website will provide you a single online destination for accessing employee-related information, resources and rewards.

Information just for you

On the Cardinal at Work website, you’ll find information just for you.  Quickly find answers based on what you are trying to achieve and what matters to you, and easily connect to people ready to help when you need it.

We know how hard you work, and you shouldn’t have to work hard to find critical information related to your career and life at Stanford.

Faculty member at desk writing



Beta Rollout: We are currently in beta as we develop our full website. During this phase, the website provides limited employee information with links out to other resources.


Full Launch: We plan to launch the full website during late summer 2015. The full website will provide you a single online destination for employee information.


Continuous Improvement: We value your feedback and seek continuous improvement to enhance the website and your experience at Stanford. We encourage you to reach out to us.

Designed with you in mind

Designed with you in mind, the future Cardinal at Work website will be equipped with a powerful search, multiple ways to navigate based on your preference, and a mobile-responsive design accessible on all devices.

We will reorganize information to make it easier for you to navigate and maximize the incredible resources and rewards available to you as a Stanford employee. The future website will be organized around four main topic areas:

Benefits & Rewards

Information about the outstanding benefits and rewards available to you as a Stanford employee, including:

  • Health & retirement savings benefits
  • Worklife & Help Center resources
  • Compensation & tuition programs
  • Sweeteners

Learn & Grow

Tools and resources designed to assist you in growing your staff role and career, including:

  • Career guidance resources
  • Career navigation tools
  • Professional development courses

Manage & Lead

An online toolkit to help managers and leaders of staff employees be most effective in their roles. Topics include:

  • Recruiting and onboarding staff
  • Managing employees
  • Training programs to enhance leadership skills


Information about getting and staying connected to colleagues across the university. Connection opportunities include:

  • Social media
  • Staff groups
  • Workforce events

Going forward

We value your feedback as we work towards improving you employment experience through a more centralized and streamlined web experience.

Please share what you think – the good and the bad – so we can continue to improve our approach and service to you.

Email us at

Stanford Sweeteners

Learn why it's pretty "sweet" to be connected with Stanford!