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Community College Research Center

How Guided Pathways Reforms Can Improve Support for Adult Students: Lessons From Three Tennessee Community Colleges
An LCCC student looks up from an art project

In this Q&A, Lorain County Community College President Marcia Ballinger explains how dual enrollment helps grow talent and jobs in the community.

A student raises her hand in class

Colleges can take advantage of key opportunities to address racial/ethnic equity gaps by intervening early in students’ postsecondary careers.

Two students in masks study together

This blog post examines how the pandemic is affecting households with community college students and sheds light on why community college enrollments are down.

A woman works at a desktop computer

The pandemic prohibits CCRCers from conducting site visits and in-person data collection, but that doesn't mean they've stopped gathering information.

An overhead shot of students studying math

To close equity gaps in developmental math, colleges must address the specific challenges that less privileged students face, including stereotype threat and instructor bias.

The U.S. Capitol

CCRC's Judith Scott-Clayton testified before the Senate HELP Committee on the need to simply the FAFSA form as a matter of equity and college access.

A woman in a surgical mask walks on campus

Since the pandemic began, CCRC has considered COVID-19's implications for community colleges. Here, you'll find a roundup of our coronavirus-related blog posts and media mentions.

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Latest Research Findings

How Guided Pathways Reforms Can Improve Support for Adult Students: Lessons From Three Tennessee Community Colleges
January 2021
How Guided Pathways Reforms Can Improve Support for Adult Students: Lessons From Three Tennessee Community Colleges

Drawing on interview data, this report discusses strategies that three guided pathways colleges use to help adult students enter programs of study, stay on path, and enhance learning.

Using Technology to Redesign College Advising and Student Support: Findings and Lessons From Three Colleges' Efforts to Build on the iPASS Initiative
December 2020
Using Technology to Redesign College Advising and Student Support: Findings and Lessons From Three Colleges' Efforts to Build on the iPASS Initiative

This report summarizes enhancements to technology-based advising at three institutions and their effects on students' academic outcomes for four semesters after study entry.

Scaling ASAP: How Expanding a Successful Program Supported Broader Institutional Change at Bronx Community College
December 2020
Scaling ASAP: How Expanding a Successful Program Supported Broader Institutional Change at Bronx Community College

This brief examines the relationship between BCC’s ASAP expansion and institutional change to illuminate how scaling a discrete reform can impact other areas of the college and change the way an institution serves all students.

Stratified Trajectories: Charting Equity Gaps in Program Pathways Among Community College Students
December 2020
Stratified Trajectories: Charting Equity Gaps in Program Pathways Among Community College Students

Using nine years of data from one state, this paper tracks completion and transfer outcomes to examine when gaps between Black, Hispanic, and White community college students occur, and it estimates the benefits of reaching early academic milestones for such students.

New on CCRC's Mixed Methods Blog

December 21, 2020

It was a year unlike any other. As 2020 comes to a close, we take a look back at the themes that animated our work, as well as some of our accomplishments.

December 08, 2020

Ohio's Lorain County Community College has been a pioneer in dual enrollment for more than two decades. In this conversation, LCCC President Marcia Ballinger describes the evolution of the program and its role in growing talent and jobs in the community.

December 01, 2020

This blog post describes how colleges can take advantage of key opportunities to address racial/ethnic equity gaps by intervening early in students’ postsecondary careers.

Photo of Teachers College, Columbia University

The Leading Independent Source for Research on Community Colleges

CCRC has been a leader in the field of community college research and reform for over 20 years. Our work provides a foundation for innovations in policy and practice that help give every community college student the best chance of success.

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