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In which +John Green  teaches you MORE about To Kill a Mockingbird. In this installment, John teaches you about race, class, and gender in the American south, as seen through the eyes of Scout and Harper Lee. John will talk about how Scout learns about these aspects of the social order as she interacts with the people of the town, learns from Calpurnia, watches the trial of Tom Robinson, and endures the attack of Bob Ewell. You'll also learn a little bit about Demi Moore and Mila Kunis, and John will ask just who is the Mockingbird, anyway? Not that he'll answer that, but he'll ask it.

Race, Class, and Gender in To Kill a Mockingbird: Crash Course Literature 211
Arianne Maskey Grawbarger's profile photoElise Boyd's profile photoSigrid Voigt's profile photoLeo Willenbergq's profile photo
If your opinon, was Scout aware of what she was doing?

You state her empathic nature, but this was a girl that was quick to fight and judge with a complete lack of empathy that was only see in hindsite to her actions or when instructed that her reactions where wrong (a complete lack of understanding the "human clockwork" arround her, as show on numerious occassions throught the book).

There's empathy within the book, but I'm not convinced Scout was a predominant character displaying that quality.
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In which +John Green teaches you about Harper Lee's famous (and only) novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. John will cover a bit about Harper Lee's personal life, (seeing as this novel has some autobiographical elements) and her long association with Truman Capote, who figures as a character in the book. You'll get an overview of the plot, and we'll talk a bit about Mockingbird as an example of bildungsroman (again(man, this description is heavy on parentheses)) and Southern Gothic, and look into the novel as a commentary on the racism and patriarchy of the Alabama in which Harper Lee grew up.

To Kill a Mockingbird, Part I - Crash Course Literature 210
amanda hills's profile photoSigrid Voigt's profile photoConner Sheets's profile photoMerlin Jose's profile photo
Please do The House of Scorpions. It's very interesting.
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I'm sure you've heard of Pavlov's Bell (and I'm not talking about the Aimee Mann song), but what was Ivan Pavlov up to, exactly? And how are our brains trained? And what is a "Skinner Box"? All those questions and more are answered in today's Crash Course Psychology, in which +Hank Green talks about some of the aspects of learning.

How to Train a Brain - Crash Course Psychology #11
EmoNinjaGirl15's profile photoPrank Files's profile photoJD Thayn's profile photoJack Enneking's profile photo
+JD Thayn And fix the “Next Episode” links when the next episode goes up.
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+John Green  teaches you about Charlotte Brontë's classic coming of age novel, Jane Eyre. Look, we don't like to make judgement values here, but Jane Eyre is awesome. By which we mean the book is great, and the character is amazing. 

Reader, it's Jane Eyre - Crash Course Literature 207
Ho Eliza's profile photoSigrid Voigt's profile photoSarah Masare's profile photoSamuel Guthrie's profile photo
Awesome stuff, as always but - and I know how mispronunciation is your thing, John! - come on, "Brontee" not "Brontay". But it's semantics, hardly a true detraction. 
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In which +John Green continues to teach you about Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. You'll learn about romantic vs Romantic, the latter of which is a literary movement. John will also look at a few different critical readings of Frankenstein, and you'll learn about Victor's motivations. We'll also look a little bit at the moral limitations of science, if there are any. 

Frankenstein Part II: Crash Course Literature 206
Oscar Heath's profile photoSean Hubijar's profile photoSigrid Voigt's profile photoNicholas Lorenson's profile photo
+Oscar Heath Why would anyone in their right might accept him into society? He's a mindless destructive monster, who on occasion does heroic things, but is for all intents and purposes not a hero. If he was, why would Bruce Banner struggle so much trying to keep himself from transforming?  
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Have them in circles
22,551 people


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Remember that guy from 300? What was his name? ARG!!! It turns out our brains make and recall memories in different ways. In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, +Hank Green  talks about the way we do it, what damaging that process can do to us, and that guy... with the face and six pack... 

How We Make Memories - Crash Course Psychology #13
Edgar the Stache's profile photoSigrid Voigt's profile photoМалахов Денис's profile photoTerrence Culbreath's profile photo
Love it!
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In this episode of +CrashCourse  Psychology, +Hank Green  talks about how we learn by observation... and how that can mean beating the tar out of an inanimate clown named Bobo. 

The Bobo Beatdown - Crash Course Psychology #12
Sigrid Voigt's profile photoMerlin Jose's profile photo
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In which +John Green teaches you about Chinua Achebe's 1958 novel, Things Fall Apart. You'll learn about Igboland, a region in modern day Nigeria, prior to the arrival of the British Empire. Achebe tells the story of Okonkwo, an Igbo villager who has worked his way up from life as a sharecropped and become a respected leader in his community. Okonkwo has a tragic fall, and is exiled. And then the trouble starts. British missionaries arrive, and change everything. Things Fall Apart has a lot to say about colonization, and even something to say about decolonization.

If One Finger Brought Oil - Things Fall Apart part I: Crash Course Literature 208
Joseph Hilditch's profile photo
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In which +Hank Green has to say things...and it's not easy!
Crash Course Psychology: Outtakes #1
Karlene Anderson's profile photoJada Xie's profile photo
You should do sociology next.
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You may think you know all about hypnosis from the movies. Zoolander, The Manchurian Candidate, etc... but there's a whole lot more going on. In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, +Hank Green  tells us about some of the many altered states of consciousness, including hypnosis.

Altered States - Crash Course Psychology #10
Sigrid Voigt's profile photo
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