Alphabet, Inc.

Country: USA

Sector: Information Technology

YearProgramStatusDisclosure ScorePerformance Band
2016Climate Change 2016ForthcomingNot ScoredNot Scored
2015CDP Supply Chain 2015SubmittedNot AvailableNot Available
2015Climate Change 2015Submitted99A
2014Climate Change 2014Submitted94A
2014Water 2014No ResponseNot ScoredNot Scored
2013Climate Change (Investor CDP)Submitted93B
2013CDP Water DisclosureNo ResponseNot ScoredNot Scored
2012Investor CDPSubmitted95B
2012CDP Water DisclosureNo ResponseNot ScoredNot Scored
2011CDP Water DisclosureDeclinedNot ScoredNot Scored
2011Investor CDPSubmitted89A-
2010CDP Supply Chain 2010SubmittedNot AvailableNot Available
2010Investor CDPSubmitted44Not Scored
2009Investor CDPSubmitted53Not Scored
2008Investor CDPSubmitted58Not Scored
2007Investor CDPSubmitted (not published)Not ScoredNot Scored
2006Investor CDPNo ResponseNot ScoredNot Scored
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Programs, Data & Support


CDP Reporter Services membership provides companies with personal disclosure support and enhanced access to the data for benchmarking and analysis to build internal expertise, reduce emissions and improve performance.


CDP Supply Chain membership enables organizations to implement successful supplier engagement strategies and manage environmental and business risk in a changing climate. The collective approach inspires innovation.


CDP Cities data is now easier to access, analyze, share and download. The data from all publicly reporting cities is available under Creative Commons in a series of .csv files for ease of use and comparability.


CDP’s Water and Forests programs both help businesses and their investors better understand and address the risks and opportunities associated with water scarcity and stewardship, and the use of agricultural commodities responsible for deforestation. This insight leads to intelligent action to manage these critical resources.


Packages are also available for commercial data partners and academic research

  © 2016 CDP Worldwide, Registered Charity no. 1122330.
A company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 05013650