Arts Immersion trips give Stanford students an insider’s view into cultural capitals. Students travel with the Arts Institute Programming Director and a Graduate Assistant for an extended engagement with an urban arts scene – meeting institutional leaders, policy makers, and arts practitioners. They visit museums, galleries, concert halls, and film sets; they see dance rehearsals, opera, and string quartets, and have a chance to meet with alumni in the arts.

Join the Arts Institute in Los Angeles for an Arts Immersion trip! From museums and cultural centers to the sights and sounds of the street, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, Los Angeles County provides a cultural and sensorial experience like nowhere else in America, and this trip will place Stanford students in the center of it all.


Accepted applicants are required to attend a pre- and post-trip seminar. In these seminars, the group will reflect on the experiences that the trip affords and discuss how this experience can be used to enhance their curricular and extra-curricular work back at Stanford. A principal aim of the seminars will be to develop aesthetic sensibilities through critical inquiry about the art that interests and engages us and by understanding how the unique arts scene in Los Angeles differs from other urban areas.

Program Details

Cost: The total program fee is $1800. Through the generosity of Stanford friends, all students automatically receive a $1700 scholarship on the total program fee. Each student pays the remaining $100. Financial aid is available.

Breakfasts and some additional meals are provided. Students should plan to have approximately $150 available as spending money.


Students will travel as a group to Los Angeles, with airfare covered in the cost of the trip.


Accepted applicants to the Arts Immersion: Los Angeles Trip will be notified of their acceptance on
March 18, 2015. A $100 deposit will be required for the trip, along with a signed commitment form on March 23, 2015.

Application Period: February 26 – March 16, 2015

Travel to Los Angeles: April 30 – May 3, 2015

Pre-Trip Workshop: Friday, April 24, 2015  |  1:30 – 4:00 PM

Post-Trip Workshop: Friday, May 8, 2015   |   1:30 – 4:00 PM