- About -
The Business Association of Stanford Entrepreneurial Students (BASES) is at the heart of student entrepreneurship at Stanford University. As one of the most established student-run entrepreneurship organizations in the world, BASES promotes entrepreneurship education at Stanford University in order to empower the next generation of entrepreneurs. We work with exceptional students, thought leaders and prominent professors and investors to unite the worlds of innovation, academia and industry. Our programs include the BASES Challenge, Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders' Seminar, SVI Hackspace, and Freshman Battalion.
- Programs -
BASES Challenge
BASES Challenge is Stanford’s premiere entrepreneurial competition that seeks to inspire, develop, and fund Stanford affiliated startups by allowing teams to present their ventures to industry leaders for their share of 100K in prize money and mentorship opportunities.
Stanford University's ETL is a weekly speaker series, co-hosted by BASES and the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, that brings innovation leaders from business, finance, technology, education and philanthropy to share their insights with aspiring entrepreneurs from all over the world.
An open hackspace for students and the Silicon Valley community to meet, work, host events and build next generations products and startups.
Professional Development
BASES offers events and programs to connect student entrepreneurs and provide them the skills to get started.
Freshman Battalion
A year-long immersion program that identifies the brightest and most entrepreneurial Stanford freshmen to participate in the BASES core through a pitching competition, startup tours and a spring startup internship.
A collaborative effort among the BASES team, the E-Guide is an invaluable resource of entrepreneurship classes, organizations, and labs at Stanford.
- History -
BASES was founded in 1996 by a group of five Stanford students with the aim of bringing together the worlds of engineering, innovation and business together. Over the years, BASES has grown from a platform to celebrate and reward student entrepreneurs with fantastic business ideas to the multi-faceted organization it is today that seeks to educate, inspire and fund the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.
Past Winners
Winners of the BASES Challenge have gone on to disrupt the technology, nonprofit and education spheres.
A past BASES program, E-Bootcamp was an international conference for student entrepreneurs with up-and-coming startups to learn and network through panels, workshops, expos and a final pitch competition.
- Get Involved -
Career Fair
BASES connects the most innovative companies in the Valley with top engineering, business and marketing talent at Stanford University. Our external relations team is currently in the process of planning the 2015 BASES Startup Career Fair.
Startup Lunch
The BASES Startups Lunches are a series of interactive talks given by the founders and top executives of startups to a group of 15-20 Stanford students.
Lessons in Life
The BASES Lessons in Life Series provides opportunities for students to engage meaningfully with alumni, entrepreneurs, professors, and leaders in our community over an intimate meal.
The BASES Digest is your weekly email digest summing up the best events happening in and around the Stanford entrepreneurship community. The Digest reaches thousands of subscribers across the Silicon Valley and around the world.
Click to subscribe to the BASES mailing list, or email us at digest.bases@gmail.com.
Join the Team
BASES has finished accepting officer applications for the 2015-16 school year. Check back early in Fall Quarter 2015 for officer recruiting opportunities.
Are you a Stanford student interested in staying up to date with BASES events and relevant entrepreneurial activities on campus? Get involved by becoming a BASES Friend!
- Partners -
We would like to thank our sponsors for their continued support of our programs.
Board of Advisors
The BASES Board of Advisors is a group of industry innovators, thought leaders and BASES alumni, advising leadership on methods and best practices to best to uphold the BASES mission.
- Calendar -