
Watering Calculator Now Available!

Optimize your irrigation schedule and discover ways to garden beautifully while saving water on BAWSCA’s Water-Wise Gardening website. More →

Long-Term Reliable Water Supply Strategy

BAWSCA’s water management objective is to ensure that a reliable, high-quality supply of water is available where and when people within the BAWSCA member agency service area need it. More →

Water Supply Alert – 10% Reduction Needed

On January 31, 2014, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) officially asked all customers of the Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System to voluntarily curtail water consumption. More →

The Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency represents the interests of 24 cities and water districts, and two private utilities, that purchase water wholesale from the San Francisco regional water system. These entities provide water to 1.7 million people, businesses and community organizations in Alameda, Santa Clara and San Mateo counties.

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