Cancer knows no boundaries

Cancer kills more people in low- and middle-income countries than HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined. 80% of global cancer deaths occur in LMICs but only 5% of total global spending on cancer care is expended in these regions.

Our Mission

Global Oncology’s mission is to bring the best in cancer care to underserved patients around the world. We collaborate across geographic, professional and academic borders to improve cancer care, research and education.

Our Work

GO's diverse programs span the areas of educating underserved patient populations, reducing obstacles to diagnosis and treatment, developing technologies to promote knowledge exchange, and building public support of the global cancer problem. 

Our Projects

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Cancer Education Materials


An image-based, culturally-appropriate patient education tool designed to improve the cancer treatment experience for populations in resource-poor regions.

Courage to Dare Foundation's trip to a cancer clinic in Nigeria. Left to right, Jean Schmitz (red hair), Nigerian cancer patient, and Bonnie Anderson.  ---- CREDIT: Courage to Dare Foundation

Directly Observed Care


A program that pairs cancer patients with healthcare professionals in an effort to navigate and overcome the hurdles to accessing care.


On the Ground

In Nigeria

GO's collaborations in Nigeria are aimed at building cancer-care capacity and alleviating unnecessary deaths and suffering caused by the disease.

Screenshot Layers

The GO Map

Join Today!

A web-based platform that catalogs international cancer research, cancer care, and cancer outreach programs. Sign up and add your own project @

Vallurupalli, Mounica

GO-Young Professionals


A network of informed students, trainees and young professionals pursuing opportunities to improve the
equitable delivery of cancer care globally.

Upcoming Events


October, 2018

Researcher Dr. Ami Bhatt in Conversation with Emmerson Collective: Article