Archive for Carstensen

6/10/2015 – Why Longevity Isn’t Just A Numbers Game

Jun 10, 2015 Comments Off by

“A 20-year-old male today has a better chance of having a living grandmother than a 20-year-old in 1900 had of having a living mother.” That’s according to Lauren Carstensen, director of Stanford’s Center on Longevity, who spoke during a panel on longevity at FORBES’ third annual Women’s Summit, a gathering of hundreds of women leaders […]

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5/26/2015 – For big data to help patients, sharing health information is key, experts say

May 26, 2015 Comments Off by

A key message from Stanford’s annual big data conference was that realizing the potential of precision health means sharing massive amounts of medical and behavioral data. Among the speakers was Laura Carstensen, Founding Director of the Center on Longevity. Read the full article at Stanford School of Medicine.

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5/27/2015 – From Success to Significance: A Legacy of Purpose for Longer Lives

Apr 27, 2015 Comments Off by

Longer life means more time for family, friends and leisure, but the opportunities to make a difference in the world are bigger than that. For those fortunate to have the talent, perspective and the commitment to seize the day and act, longer life means the possibility to reinvent and re-imagine life, find new purpose and […]

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4/3/2015 – Over 50 and Back in College, Preparing for a New Career

Apr 03, 2015 Comments Off

For many, a retirement of babysitting grandchildren, golfing and relaxing on the beach is passé. Older people today approach work as a pillar of a retirement lifestyle, planning ahead and adding skills even before leaving their current jobs. Read the full article at The New York Times.

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3/5/2015 – How to improve dying in America

Mar 05, 2015 Comments Off

By many measures, how people die in America has plenty of room for improvement, whether it’s boosting quality of life at the end for the individuals and their families, reducing costs or even extending life. That was a panel’s consensus after an address at Stanford University earlier this week by Dr. Atul Gawande, a surgeon […]

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2/17/2015 – How you might beat the annuity actuaries

Feb 17, 2015 Comments Off

Life insurance and annuity companies have the big buildings for a reason: They know when you’re going to die. Or do they? Read the full article at MarketWatch.

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2/12/2015 – The New Age of Much Older Age

Feb 12, 2015 Comments Off

Everyone wants to live longer, and science is starting to make that happen. But living better will be the real challenge—and opportunity. Read the full article at Time. (requires subscription)

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2/11/2015 – Six Reasons to Rethink Aging and Retirement

Feb 11, 2015 Comments Off

Researchers at the Stanford Center on Longevity explain that what we think about mental health, exercise, and financial stability is wrong. Read the full article at Stanford Graduate School of Business.

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12/17/2014 – Will retirement pay you a ‘happiness bonus’?

Dec 17, 2014 Comments Off

Consistent with the research of Laura Carstensen, a psychology professor and director of Stanford University’s Center on Longevity, a MassMutual survey finds that positive emotions increase and negative emotions decrease over time among those in or near retirement. For example, while 72% of retirees say they are “extremely or quite happy,” only 61% of pre-retirees […]

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12/8/2014 – Can you improve brain health? Scientists weigh in

Dec 08, 2014 Comments Off

Is playing fun video games really the answer to the threat of Alzheimer’s? Many scientists think not. According to the Stanford Center on Longevity (SCL) and the Berlin Max Planck Institute for Human Development, there’s no reliable scientific evidence to support the notion that cognitive training can improve overall brain performance. Read the full article […]

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